Reproductive and Child Health

Reproductive and child Health II - Flexi pool

The most important goals of National Health Mission is to reduce maternal and Child mortality rate which is covered under RCH II programme of the mission. Huge and strategic investments are being made to achieve these goals by GoI, and every effort is being made towards achieving these goals.

In order to bring greater impact through the RCH programme, Reproductive Maternal, Newborn, Child & Adolescent Health (RMNCH+A) an integrated strategy has been adopted in February 2013 because of the well known link between maternal and child survival and the use of family planning methods.

The two dimension of health care i.e. stages of the life cycle and places where the cares provided constitute the “continuum of care”. The continuum of care approach defining and implementing evidence based packages of services for different stages of the life-cycle at various levels has been adopted under National Health Program. The ‘plus’ in the strategic approach denotes:-

  • The inclusion of adolescence as a distinct ‘life stage’ in the overall strategy.
  • Linking maternal and child health to reproductive health and other components (like Family planning, HIV, Gender, PC & PNDT)
  • Linking of community and facility based care as well as referrals between various levels of health care systems and to bring a synergistic effect in terms of overall outcomes and impact.
Files File Name Last Modified Size
Achievements under RCH 22 Sep 2021 278 Kb

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National Health Mission, Sikkim

Health & Family Welfare Department,
Tashiling, Secretariat,
Sikkim, India

Email: mdnrhmsikkim@gmail.com

Phone: 3592205439